Flood Risk and Flood Warning
Flood Warning Codes

The flood warning codes issued by the Environment Agency for England and Wales were recently updated. The changes make the service easier to understand and help you respond in a flood. Environment Agency staff monitor rainfall, river levels and sea conditions 24 hours a day and use this information to forecast the possibility of flooding.
Flood Alert - this replaces the Flood Watch. Indicates that flooding is possible and that people should make simple preparations (e.g. check that domestic flood gates/boards are ready to be put in place, move small valuable items upstairs, check travel plans) and remain vigilant.

Flood Warning - means that flooding is expected and that you should take immediate action (e.g. move/raise belongings, put in place flood boards, move to places of safety). You should take action when a flood warning is issued and not wait for a severe flood warning.

Severe Flood Warning - means that there is severe flooding and danger to life. These are issued when flooding is posing significant risk to life or disruption to communities.
Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan
Enzygo can developed a Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan (FWEP) for businesses and homes. The FWEP formalises flood warning and evacuation procedures based on the Environment Agency flood warning codes. The FWEP will set out the flood risk of site, identifies the roles and responsibilities of indviduals and organisations, provides details of the flood warning codes and flood actions and provides contact details.
The Environment Agency seeks to provide a flood warning service in all areas at risk of flooding. The flood warnings are disseminated through a variety of mediums that include TV, radio, an automated voice messaging service direct to a phone/fax/pager, the Internet and/or loudhailer. There is also an emergency Floodline number (0845 988 1188) and a quick dial number for individual rivers.
The FWEP is a ‘living’ document and therefore should be periodically reviewed and updated to provide advice and guidance to staff, occupants and visitors in the event of an extreme flood. The FWEP is intended to provide action points to protect property and allow early, safe evacuation from this site.
The FWEP will include the following:
The responsibilities of individual and organisations
- Safe Exit Route
- Flood Warning Notice
- Flood Procedures
The FWEP will reduce the vulnerability of the staff, visitors and residnets to flooding and will make them aware of the mechanisms of flooding at the site. The FWEP will help manage and mitigate the affects of flooding.
Enzygo has provided flood risk advice to clients throughout the UK including Flood Risk Assessments, Flood Risk Modelling, Drainage Assessments, Business Continuity Flood Assessments, Hydrological Studies and help with the Sequential/Exception Tests.
For More Information Contact: matt.travis@enzygo.com
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