Thursday, 2 December 2010

3D Visualisation Update

Enzygo have recently updated their 3D Visualisation sotware to ensure that they keep ahead of the game when it comes to production of photo-realistic images of proposed developments.

The Enzygo Landscape Team have updated their AutoCAD software with the new release of 3Ds Max 2011, the new features of which are listed here.

For further information on Enzygo's 3D capabilities, contact us here, or refer to our website.

Planning Minister Rejects Community Support Instruction

The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Bob Neill, has rejected Parliamentary calls for Planning Inspectors to require the Planning Inspectorate to refuse appeals from wind farm developers if there is 'unanimous community opposition to the proposals.'

The Minister stated, "The Planning Inspectorate has an important role to play as the arbiter of potential conflicts between the interests of individuals, or local communities, and the needs of a nation. It would therefore be inappropriate to direct the Planning Inspectorate to refuse a planning appeal solely because of community opposition because there may still be strong national or local policy support for the wind farm."

For the full statement, refer here and for planning or environmental advice on wind farms, contact Enzygo.

For further details on Enzygo's experience with major planning schemes, refer here.